Heat and Mass Transfer


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About the course

The subject, Heat and Mass Transfer, deals with the analysis of rate of different modes of Heat and Mass Interaction and the fundamental similarity between them. The Heat can interact in presence of stationary medium; ie. Conduction, in presence of moving medium; ie. Convection, and in the absence of any medium; ie. Radiation. Similarly, the Mass transfer takes place in stationary medium, ie. Mass Diffusion and in moving medium; ie. Mass Convection. In this subject, we will study different governing laws and equations related to Heat and Mass Transfer.

What will you learn?

The complete online syllabus of this course comprises 9 Learning Modules | 129 Topics of Learning | 6 Hours of Learning | 48 Assessments


  • Introduction To Heat and Mass Transfer
  • Thermal Conduction
  • Theory Of Fins
  • Unsteady State Heat Conduction
  • Thermal Convection
  • Heat Exchangers
  • Boiling and Condensation
  • Thermal Radiation
  • Introduction To Mass Transfer

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