Electronic Devices and Circuits
About the course
Electronic Devices and Circuits covers the Classification of Semiconductors, Special Diodes, Construction and Transistor Biasing, Thermal Resistance, Types of Heat Sinks etc. It also throws light on Ammeter, DC Voltmeter, Ohmmeter, Spectrum Analyzer, and many other integral topics of learning.
What will you learn?
The complete online syllabus of this course comprises 5 Learning Modules | 101 Topics of Learning | 5.35 Hours of Learning
- Semiconductor Diodes and Special Diodes
- BJT, FET and Thyristors
- Amplifier, Operational Amplifiers
- Feedback Amplifiers and Oscillators
- Power Supplies and Measuring Instruments
Topics of Learning
- Classification of Semiconductors
- Conductivity of Semiconductor and Carrier Concentration in Intrinsic Semiconductor
- Drift and Diffusion Currents
- PN Junction Diode in Equilibrium with no Applied Voltage
- Under Forward and Reverse Bias Condition
- Diode Current Equation and Diode Resistance
- Transition or Space Charge Capacitance and Diffusion Capacitance
- Effect of Temperature on PN Junction Diodes and Junction Switching Characteristics
- Breakdown in PN Junction Diodes and PN Diodes Applications
- Positive and Negative Clipper
- Biased Clipper and Combination Clipper
- Clampers
- Zener Diode
- Backward Diode and Varactor Diode
- Step recovery Diode and Point- Contact Diode
- Schottky Diode and Tunnel Diode
- Gunn Diode
- Impatt Diode
- Pin Diode and Pin Photodiode
- Avalanche Photodiode (APD) and laser Diode
- Construction and Transistor Biasing
- Operation of NPN and PNP Transistor
- CB Configuration
- CE Configuration
- CC Configuration
- Avalanche Breakdown and Multiplication and Reach-Through or Punch-Through
- Bias Compensation
- Types of Heat Sinks
- Introduction and Construction of N-Channel JET
- Operation of N-Channel JFET
- Comparison of JFET and BJT and Applications of JFET
- Enhancement MOSFET
- Depletion of MOSFET
- Comparision of MOSFET with JFET and Handling Precautions for MOSFET
- Charge-Coupled Device (CCD)
- Bucket Brigade Device (BBD)
- PNPN Diode (Shockley Diode)
- SCR (Silicon Controlled Rectifier)
- Rectifier Circuits using SCR
- LASCR (Light Activated SCR) and TRIAC (Triode AC Switch)
- DIAC (Diode AC Switch)
- UJT (UniJunction Transistor)
- Characteristics of Common Base Amplifier, Common Collector Amplifier and Common Emitter Amplifier
- Configuration
- Comparison of FET Model with h-Parameter Model of BJT and High Frequency Model of FET taking the various Capacitors into Account
- Introduction of Amplifiers and Classification
- Single Stage Aamplifiers- Common Emitter Amplifier
- Common Collector (CC) Amplifier
- Common Base Amplifier
- Common Source (CS) Amplifier
- Class A Large Scale Amplifiers
- Transformer Coupled Class A Audio Power Amplifier and Efficiency of Class A Amplifiers
- Class B Amplifier and its Efficiency
- Cross Over Distortion and Complementary Symmetry (Class B) Push-Pull Amplifier
- Cross D and Cross S Amplifier
- Choice of Transistor Configuration in Cascade Amplifier
- RC Coupled Amplifier
- Transformer Coupled Amplifier
- Direct Coupled (DC) Amplifiers
- Introduction and Small signal Tuned Amplifiers
- RF Amplifiers and Video Amplifiers
- Introduction and and Ideal Operational Amplifier
- Operational Amplifier Stages
- Operational Amplifier Parameters
- Equivalent Circuit of Op-Amp and Ideal Voltage Curve
- Open-Loop Op-Amp Configuration and Open-Loop Differential Amplifier
- Inverting and Non-Inverting Amplifier and Limitation of Open-Loop Op-Amp Configuration
- Closed-Loop Configurations- Inverting and Non-Inverting Amplifier
- Bandwidth with Feedback and Noise
- Frequency Response and Compensation – Internal and External
- Comparators and Current sources
- Active Half-Wave Rectifiers and Active Filters
- Basic Concept of Feedback
- Nyquist Criterion and Gain and Phase Margins
- Introduction and Classification of Oscillators and Condition for Oscillation (Barkhausen Criterion)
- Hartley Oscillator
- Clapp Oscillator and Tuned Collector Oscillator
- Wien-Bridge Oscillator and Crystal Oscillators
- Frequency Stability of Oscillator and Negative Resistance Oscillators
- Introduction to Power Supplies
- Linear Mode Power Supply – Half-wave Rectifier
- Linear Mode Power Supply – Bridge Rectifier
- Voltage Regulators – Factors determining stability
- Emitter-follower type Regulator
- IC Voltage Regulator
- Description of SMPS
- Different Types of SMPS
- DC to AC Inverter/Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) and Advantages of SMPS
- Introduction to Measuring Instruments
- Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO)
- Storage Oscilloscope and Application of CRO
- Ammeter
- DC Voltmeter
- Digital Voltmeter
- Digital Multimetrer
- Frequency Meter and Time Meter
- Energy Meter , Power Meter and Watt Meter
- Spectrum Analyzer
- Measurement of Resistance
- Measurement of Q