Building Materials and Construction
About the course
In this course, we study the Basic Construction Materials and the processes by which these base materials are manufactured or produced. We will see various types of doors, windows, ventilators etc. used in houses. We also study various Waterproofing Techniques and Materials.
What will you learn?
The complete online syllabus of this course comprises 12 Learning Modules | 140 Topics of Learning | 7 Hours of Learning | 43 Assessments
- Building stone
- Bricks
- Cement
- Concrete
- Timber
- Glass
- Plastering and Painting
- Asphalt, Bitumen, and Tar
- Doors, Windows, and Ventilators
- Roofing
- Water Proofing
- Plastics
Topics of Learning
- Geological classification of rocks
- Physical and chemical classification of rocks
- Common building stones
- Quarrying of stones and methods used
- Methods used for Quarrying
- Criteria for Selection of Stones
- Physical Tests on Stones
- Type of rocks used in stone masonry
- Laying of stone masonry blocks in walls
- Rubbled masonry & Ashlar masonry
- Type of stone masonry walls
- Rocks and stones
- Raw materials used
- Manufacturing process
- Forms of Brick
- Properties of bricks
- Testing
- Sizes, Grades and
- Terminology, Bonds and Joints in Brick Masonry
- Types of brick masonry walls
- Hydraulic & Non Hydraulic Cements
- Types of Cement and Raw Materials of Portland Cement
- Manufacturing of Cement
- Chemical Composition and Compound Composition of Portland Cement
- Influence of Compound Composition on Characteristics of P.C.
- Special Cements
- Hydration of Various Compounds
- Hydration Products
- Capillary Pores and Gel Porea
- Characteristics of C-S-H gel
- Heat of Hydration
- Heat of Hydration of Pure Compounds
- Initial Setting and Final setting
- Factors Affecting Setting Time
- Test to Determine Initial and Final Setting
- Soundness of Cement
- Direct Tension Test
- Compressive Strength
- Flexural Strength
- Constituents of concrete
- Role of Aggregates
- Role of Martar
- Mixing of Constituents
- Properties of Fresh Concrete
- Elasticity & Strength of Concrete
- Work ability of Concrete & Factors Effecting
- Tests to Determine Work ability
- Segregation
- Bleeding
- Plastic Shrinkage
- Rheology of Fresh Concrete
- Failure Mechanism
- Compressive Strength Determination
- Factors Effecting Strength of Concrete
- Role of Chemical Admixture
- Water Reducing Agents
- Mechanism of Action
- Introduction & Application of Timber
- Timber’s Innate Attractions
- Macro Structure of Tree
- Micro structure of Tree
- Conversion of Timber
- Themoset and Conversion Defects
- Molecular structure
- Moisture and Shrinkage Defects
- Defects in Timber
- Seasoning
- Seasoning Defects
- Preservation of timber
- Glass
- Glass as a building material
- Main oxides in various glasses
- Nature & Structure of glass
- Types of Glass
- Macro Molecular Structure
- Stress Strain Curve
- Fatigue Property
- Manufacture of Glass for Buildings
- Thermal Properties of Glass
- Optical Properties of Glass
- Tempered glass
- Laminated
- Wired glass
- Toughened glass &Tinted Glass
- Sheet glass & Translucent Glass
- Glass as structural glazing
- Glass blocks
- Plastering
- Objectives & Requirement of plastering
- Mortar in Plaster
- Tools for Plastering
- Sand and rough faced Plaster
- Depeter Plaster & Pebbled Dash Plaster
- Smooth cast plaster or plain face plaster
- Defects in Plaster
- Asphalt
- Types of Asphalt
- Use of Asphalt in Buildings
- Bitumen
- Availability of various forms of bitumen
- Functions of Bitumen Material
- Uses of bitumen
- Tar
- Classification of Tar
- Comparison of asphalt, bitumen and tar
- Doors and Windows
- Terms used in Door
- Based on Materials
- Based on Method of construction
- Based on Nature of working operations
- Based on Arrangement of different components
- Construction details
- Selection, shape, location & number of windows in a room
- Classification of windows
- Classification of Windows continued
- Ventilators
- Types of ventilators
- Relative advantages and disadvantages
- Primary types of roofing
- Flat and pitched roofs
- Primary components
- Structural roof deck
- Thermal insulation
- Intensive and extensive green roofs
- Green roof benefits and drawbacks
- Water Proofing and Properties of waterproofing material
- Leakages, their causes and effects
- Using BBC
- Bitumen Water Proofing
- Precautions & Method of terrace waterproofing
- Plastics
- Polymerization of Plastics
- Classification of polymerization
- Classification of plastics According to Behaviour
- Classification of Plastics According to Structure
- Classification of Plastics according to properties
- Moulding Compounds
- Desirable properties and undesirable properties of plastics
- PVC pipes
- Glass fibre-reinforced polyesters
- Application of fibers in building construction
For a quick review, please watch our videos here
Online Engineering Videos For Building Materials and Construction