Design of Concrete Structure-II
About the course
In Design of Concrete Structures-II, we will study about Stairs and Basic Foundations. Then we’ll delve into a detailed study of Compression Members followed by the Design of Beams, Domes, and Rotating Walls. Toward the end, we will study about Water Retaining Structures as well.
What will you learn?
The complete online syllabus of this course comprises 6 Learning Modules | 40 Topics of Learning | 2 Hours of Learning | 20 Assessments
- Stairs
- Foundations
- Compression Members
- Design of Domes
- Design of Retaining Walls
- Water Retaining Structures
Topics of Learning
- Introduction of Stairs
- Classification Of Stairs
- Live Load And Effective Span Of Stairs
- design of strairs spanning horizontally
- design of dogged legged stair
- design of stairs with quarter space landing
- design of staircase with central stringer beam
- design of cinema balcony
- types of footing
- Introduction of Combined Footing
- Introduction to strap footing
- raft footing
- Interaction Curve
- short and long columns
- types of columns
- longitudanal and transverse reinforcement
- cover to reinforcement, unsupported length of column
- Effective length of columns
- Basic assumptions, modes of failure
- torsional moments in beams
- Design of Domes
- Provision of Ring Beams
- Placement of Main Reinforcement in Dome
- Provision of Openings
- Conical domes
- Introduction to retaining wall
- different types of retaining wall
- active and passive earth pressure
- overturning, sliding
- soil pressure distribution, bending failure
- reinforcement details
- Introduction to counterfort retaining wall
- Water Tank
- Joints in Water Tanks
- Permissible Stress in Concrete
- Permissible Stress in Steel
- Stress due to Drying Shrinkage or Temperature Change
- Steel Reinforcement
- Rectangular Tank
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